Thursday, August 21, 2008

Airplane Adventures

1. After pre-boarding on a flight to Denver we watched as the rest of the passengers on our flight found their seats. We noticed that one man had something strapped to his back; upon closer inspection we realized he was wearing a parachute.

2. On our flight home from Germany I opened a package of pretzels that the airlines give you and found a dead cricket inside. It was small, but disgusting all the same. I will never eat airline pretzels again.

3. Our two year old son has been on over 20 flights in his lifetime.

4. We were chewed out for over a minute by an old man who was sitting in front of us because our 1 year old old son was bumping his chair.

Run your cursor over the answer below:

#2 is the lie

Monday, August 4, 2008

Rattlesnakes, Frogs, Tarantulas, and Centipedes

1. Three weeks ago my son and I were sitting in the back yard when we heard a rattling sound coming from behind our shed. I thought it might be a cicada bug, but wasn't sure since the rattle was getting pretty loud. I peeked behind the shed but didn't want to move flower pots, etc. out of the way to see what it was, so I rushed my son inside. Later that day we listened to a cicada and then to a rattlesnake on YouTube and it was DEFINATELY a rattlesnake that we heard.

2. My sister is learning to drive and I took her to an empty parking lot by the elementary school to practice. She was doing really well and then she noticed a great big stone right in the middle of the road. Upon closer inspection we realized it was a giant frog! One week later we were practicing driving again and there was that giant frog again only on the opposite end of the parking lot.

3. We found a tarantula in our garage two summers ago. My husband let my son pet the tarantula and then they coaxed it onto a stick and walked it about half a mile away to a not-so-populated area.

4. Last summer I got up early in the morning to get ready for church. I was still in pajamas in my bathroom, brushing my teeth when I felt something tickling my leg. There was a giant centipede trying to climb up my pajama pants and I ran screaming out of the bathroom and jumped on my husband who was still asleep in bed.

Which event never happened? Highlight the answer below:

Number 4 is the lie!

Visit to Pediatric Clinic at the University of Maryland

1. I asked an attendant in a paid parking lot (before I decided to leave my car there and pay the $15) how far away the University of Maryland hospital was. He said it was just one or two blocks away. Thinking this was a good place to park, despite the fee, I left my car with him. He was right. The hospital was just a block away, but so was the hospital's parking garage. The covered parking that only cost 6 bucks. I guess the guy needs to make a living, but sheesh.

2. Two children were playing inside a large plastic kids gym in the waiting room of the pediatric clinic. I heard a slapping noise and then one of the children started to cry. The mom of the crying child rushed over and told the other child that he shouldn't hit. The mom of the offending child pulled him out of the toy by the arm, yelled, "What do you think you're doing? You do not hit!" Then proceeded to spank him.

3. The security guard in the main entrance of the hospital told me my baby girl was "just beautiful." After I thanked her and started to turn to go to our appointment, she continued, "My little niece is beautiful, too. She has eyes the size of Manhattan! I went with my sister to a casting call to get her into a commercial, but they didn't pick her. She did get a coupon for diapers, though.

Can you tell the tale? Highlight the answer below:

#3 - Never happened.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Grocery Shopping

1. I was happy to hear the total for my week's worth of groceries came to under $100, and I shop in Washington, D.C.!

2. While in the produce section, a lady wearing an earbud stuck a tomato under my nose and asked me if it smelled "off."

3. A very old man, prudently wearing an assortment of reflective gear in broad daylight, packed his groceries into a wire basket on a pretty sweet-looking motorcycle.

4. Standing behind me in the checkout line, a man had to defend his food choices for his obviously well-educated five-year-oldish son.

Son (loudly): "Dad, we're not supposed to get ice cream. Mom says we can't."

Father (He's obviously annoyed): "It's okay."

"No. It's not healthy. It's junk food."

"Sh! It's fine."

All but one of these events actually occurred. Can you spot the not? Use your cursor to highlight the falsehood below:

#2 - Never happened.

Life in these United States

We've heard that truth is stranger than fiction. We'll see.

We're watching America, or to be more precise, Americans. What are we really like? What are the quirky, remarkable, praiseworthy, mundane, insane, admirable, cute, annoying, normal things we do every day in public (and when we think no one's watching)?

This blog will depict real Americans, doing what real Americans do. We give our word that every post will be the complete, honest truth--with one little lie thrown in just to keep it interesting. So, go ahead. Test your lie detecting skills and let's find out what a true American is.